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3 hours ago, emilianoksa said:

Buying from Europe was fine when we were still in the EU and didn't have to pay VAT, import duty and customs fees.


I am not sure there is much point in it now. The savings are much reduced.

Note that when within the EU we were paying the VAT of the other country - the UK were among a handful of the countries with the lowest VAT, a lot of airsoft gear came from Poland so we were paying their higher rate of 23%

If you were to buy from Poland today under the other non Brexit changes and it fell within the threshold then you would now pay the lower UK 20% to a Polish company registered with HMRC, and no further import fees would be required 

( they would incur the extra admin costs which is why most will just refuse to handle that )


Outside of the threshold it does mean all the import costs apply - which means it would be better to support UK retailers who can import via their supply chain

If retailers don’t list something in stock then ask

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