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Polarstar Jack Not Shooting - Please Help

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Hello, I have a Polarstar Jack and it suddenly stopped working.

I replaced the trigger board and solenoid (thinking maybe either of those may have been the issue) with new one’s and disassembled the Jack engine (everything is clean inside) and it still doesn’t shoot. Not even getting any “noise” from the trigger board/solenoid at all when pulling the trigger.

I have reset the FCU settings to the default settings and it is on FCF1 and the dP50 is set and the solenoid wire is connected to the Poppet connection on the trigger board. The FCU shows SHOOT and then FIRE when pulling the trigger.

 I made sure that the air lines are not obstructed internally and pass air as they should. The engine fills with air immediately and the nozzle backs into the engine as it should when hooking up the air tank. 


Can someone please give me some assistance/insight as to what the issue may be. 


Appreciate it,


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It sounds like a connection issue, either between the fcu and the triggerboard or the triggerboard and the solenoid.


If the fcu is saying fire when the trigger is pulled we know at least the switch and fcu are working ok.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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