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Cyma Cm.701b Miss Feeding


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I bought this gun a while ago when i first got into airsoft, cheap and cheerful and spent a decent amount upgrading the trigger and other internals, gun sadly sat for a while as i was having issues with it missfeeding, or sometimes double feeding, now ive looked online and havent really found a solid fix, was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions or fixes for me.


thanks in advance!

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20 minutes ago, Pinky said:

I bought this gun a while ago when i first got into airsoft, cheap and cheerful and spent a decent amount upgrading the trigger and other internals, gun sadly sat for a while as i was having issues with it missfeeding, or sometimes double feeding, now ive looked online and havent really found a solid fix, was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions or fixes for me.


thanks in advance!


Check your BB loading latch and spring in the hop unit. If the spring or latch is missing/damaged/weak it means nothing is preventing the BBs from loading one at a time.

Edited by Asomodai
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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