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Semi-lock Issues - Suggestions?

Niels Henriksen, DK

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Hi guys


I just cut off some of my selectorplate, so it will only fire semi (DMR rules) However, the switch seems jo 'jam". (Standard V2)


I fire a few shots, at then suddenly nothing happens when i try to fire. 


The part in the switch that slides forward seems to slide upwards, so the trigger runs under it without grabbing it. 


When it happens, I override the switch (with gate merf) and shoots a single cycle, then the trigger works again. Then it happens all over. 


Has this something to do with the "new" selectorplate? 

Edited by Niels Henriksen, DK
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Nope, it's an issue with mechanical contacts and cutoff levers.

A DMR selector plate just prevents the COL from being lifted.

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23 minutes ago, Skara said:

Nope, it's an issue with mechanical contacts and cutoff levers.

A DMR selector plate just prevents the COL from being lifted.

Thank you. 


Any suggestions for fixing the semi-locking? 


As far as I can see on different threads, it may be a problem with the timing of the COL. A cycle on fullauto (through the Merf) resets the problem.


Worn COL? Worn contacts? Misfit between gear and COL? 


I'm pretty good with my hands, but i'm completely green in troubleshooting. 

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17 minutes ago, Niels Henriksen, DK said:

Any suggestions for fixing the semi-locking? 


The only thing I can see that will permanently fix the issue is precocking.

By forcing the piston to rest somewhere along the travel you prevent the system from resting in a position where the COL automatically lifts the trigger trolley.


OR, you could invest in a mosfet with cycle detection (optical ones) but it's an expensive option.

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30 minutes ago, Skara said:

The only thing I can see that will permanently fix the issue is precocking.


Thank you. 


It sounds weird that there's nothing to do, but hey, what the heck do I know. 


Not even changing COL/switch could eliminate the problem? 


I will solder on a spare button on the mosfet to the existing system, so I can bypass the trigger on the button for one cycle and go back to semi on the trigger, when it locks. This must do for now untill I find a permanent fix. 

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It's the only solution I can think of at the moment.

I have a similar issue on my AK, sometimes it locks up in semi because it still has the mechanical switch (it's wired for a warfet) and with just a hint of precocking (about 30% through the full cycle) I seem to have fixed it.

Of course I disable it every time I use it so that the gun is stored without the spring being under tension.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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