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Magazine Valves

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Just wondering if theres any valves similar to say inner tube valves for hpa where it's a one way valve with a ball bearing or something ???


Bored nay tired of losing air from the magazine everytime I disconnect for a mag change. 


If nothing like it exists, has anyone tried making something similar that works, I don't mind a bit of fettling or modifying

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52 minutes ago, n1ckh said:

Just wondering if theres any valves similar to say inner tube valves for hpa where it's a one way valve with a ball bearing or something ???


Bored nay tired of losing air from the magazine everytime I disconnect for a mag change. 


If nothing like it exists, has anyone tried making something similar that works, I don't mind a bit of fettling or modifying

It depends on the fitting types and the route of your air:


The male nipple can come as straight through or as a self sealing valve:



If just as a connector you get a hollow nipple, but if sold as a fill nipple (for the HPA cylinder itself) it comes with a valve 

But - that stops any air in the magazine from blowing out when the source air is disconnected.



The magazines connection to your gun depends on the connections in the magwell and top of the magazine 




The remote line you use from cylinder  to magazine can have an on/off valve.

To fit the classic fill nipple you can opt for a female connector with slide check on/off to stop the airflow from the remote line


An alternative is a self sealing female valve that seals as soon as it disconnects but that uses a longer male nipple in each magazine 




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