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What Is Different in Aplus Custom Kjw Pistols Compared to Standard Kjw

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Hey guys,


I've been eyeing an KJW CZ-75 SP01 to replace my nearly dead, old school CZ, as the ergonomics really click with me. Not to mention out of the box for, their price these are quite decent side arms. I've been rocking mine for 2 years now prolly 12k rounds though it 2k of witch were with the nozzle housing shattered in half. But all good things must come to an end I suppose. 


So on to the question what are the differences between the standard KJW Pistols and the APlus Custom ones? Can't seem to find any info on that. Is it better internals, because looking at pictures externally they seem identical. Except the APlus Custom Sticker slaped on the box and it is not even straight...


Cheers in advance.

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Have you checked trademarks? Usually the Aplus ones have a few more added. In this case looks to be "MADE IN CZECH REPUBLIC" on the left side of the frame where the KJW one is blank. Like the APlus Glocks I owned, had trades on the slides but KJ markings on the frame. Whereas the KJW only has KJ markings.

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