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Batterys and ROF

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So i run a cmya cm518 stock with a 8.4 1100mAh Ni-MH

my Questions are:

If i upgrade the battery to say a 7.4 1100mAh Li-PO what affect will this have on my ROF?


 What battery are you guys (and Gals) using on standard guns?


What will mine run on with no problems ?


thanks peeps

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I'd say the 7.4v LiPo is the common battery type we use.  (Get the highest mAh that will fit)


RoF may be a bit higher but not much.  It will mainly affect trigger response with a snappier feel as the motor will accelerate a bit faster but won't actually turn much faster.


If you want higher RoF then you can change the motor for a higher speed one or...

Some people use 11.1v LiPos with stock guns without a problem but be aware that they put extra strain on all parts so will wear parts more quickly and are more likely to cause a failure of a component.

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fine no problem & about the same on a std gun

if you want a bit of snap upgrade to dean connectors

if you can solder or get a m8 to do it

(cut ONE WIRE at a time or you will get a shock for sure - watch vids on this)


capacity, burst C rating can effect ROF

but in general a 7.4v comes off charge at 8.4v full capacity

(cells are 3.7v but charged to max 4.2v, often say 8.35v-ish in total)

so little difference - the 8.4v nimah might come off full charge at say a smidge over like 9v

but is old stuff and doesn't pack same zest as LiPo does


so in GENERAL a 7.4v LiPo is about same as a good 8.4v nimah

the one supplied is very lame though just to test out a few shots

really need about 3 x shit ones for a day and easy on spraying bb's


or two good Vapex nimah's 1600mah - but most make jump to LiPo

than buy 2 x Vapex's


well that's not quite true....

most buy 2 x Vapex's say @ £15 each

then wished they went LiPo instead to be fair

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