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M4 Selector Switch/Plate Extremely Loose.

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Got myself one of the gen 2 Lancer tacticals for a small project and after skirmishing a couple times the selector plate has become extremely mushy with a ton of play in the switch - which is even going over the stops meant to keep it from rotating fully. I'm not sure if this is a lancer specific issue - but I wonder if anyone has any tips for fixing it. Preferably without taking apart a gearbox since I don't have a clue with how to go about troubleshooting. 

I don't want to have to take it back to a tech for such a mundane reason so any help is appreciated

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You'll most likely have to remove the gearbox from the gun, remove the right-side fake selector plug/cover, use the hole to tighten the screw on the back of the left side selector. Crappy explanation, but luckily this video should cover it:



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