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How to Remove Handguard?

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With the bolt removed from the bottom of the handguard it should just slide off forwards. It may need some percussive maintenance* if it's a bit stuck.






*hit it with a hammer

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:

El korumasının alt kısmındaki cıvata çıkarıldığında, sadece öne doğru kaymalıdır. Biraz sıkışmışsa, biraz vurmalı bakım * gerekebilir.






* bir çekiçle vur

i did it but handguard is not removing

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14 hours ago, Enesu said:

i did it but handguard is not removing


Try heating the handguard around the barrel nut. You should only need a hairdryer or something similar as it looks like it's a plastic handguard.

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