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Help Needed. Info on the Lct Tx-74


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Hi guys

Looking to get this AK however was wondering if anyone had a bit more information. Looking to get a tracer unit but it uses a 28mm thread but can't seem to find any that fit. Seen there are similar designed CYMA ak74 with a similar juzle that have a 14mm thread to 28mm adapter but no info on this. Also looking to get spare mags but were unsure as which fit. Seen one review for the gun that says different mags are hit and miss.

Mags I've been looking at are: 





Thanks guys. I know it's very specific





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as a pre-made unit there is this:



if you dont mind the suppressor weighing as much as the gun does, seriously i cannot emphasize how heavy that thing is, like imagine how heavy you think it is and at least double it.


however you can also look at modding any of the other suppressor styles to take a tracer unit, most russian suppressors are pretty chunky so you should be able to find a tracer unit small enough to stuff inside.


it's also possible the muzzle device is a 14mmccw with a spacer to bring it out to 24mm (for example cyma/jg do this so they can make one front sight assembly for both types of guns), can't say for sure on that model. some models (like e&l) with the 24mm muzzle device are fixed.


personally i'd feel inclined to steer you towards the e&l guns if you're wanting a nice ak:


granted that's a sample size of 1 gun but you can make your own decision from the comparisons there.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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