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Starting HPA

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Like most people I’ve seen many people using hpa guns, I’m currently in possession of a golden eagle shorty shotgun (this being a gas shotgun) and want to convert it to hpa but I need to know where to start, I’d really appreciate some advice on where to start, thanks guys

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it might be worth asking what do you think hpa is going to add to the gun that will improve it?


the usual arguments for moving to hpa tend to be either accuracy or rate of fire based, needless to say neither of these really apply to a shotgun.


the only thing you'd stand to gain is an increased gas reservoir which works in the cold, so if you're doing a lot of shooting outdoors then it might be worth it.


on a technical standpoint you'll need:

-somewhere to get your stuff filled, if your local site does refills then happy days (sites that also run paintball tend to have the kit required)

-a tank

-a reg

-a line

-a magazine tap


fortunately you can get package deals that have all the bits and bobs:



the tap replaces the gas valve to the reservoir and lets you plug in the line.


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