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Old Guy
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Shropshire Airsoft War Games is what it stands for and they meet, usually, twice per month at Netley Hall, near Dorrington, Shropshire. (https://sawg.co.uk/)

SAWG share their site with a paintball outfit (no surprises there, I suppose) and the play area has a couple of buildings (a fort and a chalet/house), vehicles including a double-decker bus and barrel  and pallet barricades. The shrubbery is dense and gives good cover while the safe/rest area is canopied by trees but I saw no other wet-weather cover. 

I played my first airsoft games there on Sunday 27th September and had a cracking time. I think that the marshalls covered the play well and a couple of disputes were quickly and amicably dealt with. Player ranged from about 10years to over 60s and everyone seemed satisfied with how everything was organised.

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