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Wolverine Bolt HPA Options

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Hey guys,


So im currently building a HPA VSR sniper, but I'm a bit unsure wether to run c02 cartages or do i run an air tank with an air line.


I know both have pros and cons but is there one with is the better option?


Thanks in advance 



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  • 3 weeks later...

If you haven't already decided yet, I have an article on my little blog discussing my journey into building a HPA VSR which ultimately resulted in me going down the route of 3D printing a custom VSR stock which houses a HPA tank and reg, take a read, it might help: https://axerite.com/airsoft/a-fully-integrated-hpa-vsr-build/

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  • 3 weeks later...

I typically run CO2 in mine because I like to keep my loadouts nice and light.


I'd rather use HPA, but it has 2 problems for me. Firstly, I don't want to run a hose to a tank, as it makes it less flexible (as I can't quickly discard the rifle if I get ambushed or something) and also is heavier, as I'd need to cart the tank around. Secondly, HPA tanks aren't as easy to refill as getting more CO2 bulbs is. CO2 bulbs are cheap, I pay 45p each for mine, and you likely won't go through more than 3 in a day, maybe 4 if you're trigger happy. I typically only go through 2 in a skirmish day myself.

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