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Gate Titan V2 Shorted

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Hi all I was wondering if anyone can help me diagnose my problem. My gate Titan version 2 has recently developed a short across the positive and negative motor terminal. It is not in the wiring guaranteed  not in the wiring. can someone please help me diagnose? is my mosfet dead?  seems to me like maybe the mosfet is stuck in open position or something cuz every time I turn it on and pull the trigger, it Pops the fuse, I replace the fuse , Pops fuse again as soon as I pull the trigger.. I put a multimeter on it in  diode mode across the terminals and sure as  shit it's got a short between the two can someone please help me diagnosis

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The gate titan V2 has it's own inbuilt "smart fuse". It doesn't need a secondary in line one.

So bridge the inline fuse and try again.


7 hours ago, Rodeo said:

I replace the fuse , Pops fuse again as soon as I pull the trigger


It's probably not the titan as it's working right up to pulling the trigger, An open mosfet would shoot or short instantly as soon as you plugged in the battery.

It might be a burnt out motor, Or failed motor cap. I've had both do some pretty strange things. And because you describe the problems as happening on a single trigger pull the motor would be a prime candidate for failure.

If you have a spare motor try that, Or see if you can borrow one.


7 hours ago, Rodeo said:

I put a multimeter on it in  diode mode across the terminals


Without knowing exactly what terminals you tested, and under what conditions (power on/power off). It's impossible to know what you were testing. A diode test isn't a Fet test. Diodes work in one way but can do several jobs and functions depending on how they get constructed, The test lets you know the polarity of the diode, and that it blocks current in one direction. It doesn't test other functions like a zener diodes breakdown voltage.


 Fets on the other hand are similar but come in always open, always closed varieties depending on the power state and circuit design, They function more like a switch or relay and can not be tested without connection to all 3 legs, or in a powered state. You can test for voltage drop across a fet with a standard 2 prong multimeter, but not if it's already mounted as the circuit may drain the fet before you get chance to move terminals.

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Okay. I put the multimeter on the positive and negative motor terminals without power on it without a battery without anything as I put the probes on the motor terminals it's a short .so it's not a motor it has nothing to do with the motor that shorted out before I even hook anything to it with just a bear dating Titan in the in the wires the motor terminals are shorted out with no battery no power no nothing.and at first it was blowing as soon as I hook power to it as soon as I hook the battery to it was blowing now I screwed around with it and I got to stop doing that but now it's just the motor terminals are shorted out

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2 hours ago, Rodeo said:

at first it was blowing as soon as I hook power to it

Then you should have said that in the OP. Can't trouble shoot without the correct information been given.

The OP gives the impression that you could plug a battery in and it would sit idle until the trigger was pulled and then it popped.

On 30/07/2020 at 23:58, Rodeo said:

I turn it on and pull the trigger, it Pops the fuse, I replace the fuse , Pops fuse again as soon as I pull the trigger

Now you say you have a dead short at all times, and can't plug a battery in. That's a different set of problems.

Now you may have a dead mosfet. I would however be tempted to pull the unit out of the gearbox and check you haven't shorted the trigger across the gearbox shells, by failing to add sufficient insulation on the install. You could also check for a short between the motor wires and the gearbox shells, It should be insulated and show no continuity.

Without having it in my hand it's a Pandora's box of speculation because we have to assume it's something you did that caused the fault. Mofsets can and do die, but more often than not they get killed rather than fail through use.

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oh I've already done that and replace the whole wiring harness believe me that's why I say in the Opie that it's not the wiring I know it's not the wiring I've already replaced it all okay thank you why I went ahead and ordered a new mosfet see if that works thanks for your help

yeah you're right I killed it to start with i i i pinch the wires installing this buffer tube for my stock that's what initially blew it

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Hey I just thought of something. The new mosfet just came in and I was wondering is my Titan still going to work? I mean does the new fet need to be programmed or anyting in order to get all the features of the Titan?


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