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Hk Ump45 GBB

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Does anyone know if any of the manufacturers make / made an UMP45 gbb

i am aware of the electric version with recoil , but I have an uncontrollable desire to find & get a gbb version if possible

I love playing with my Umarex version, just want MORE!!!!!!!!!


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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
12 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Does anyone know if any of the manufacturers make / made an UMP45 gbb

i am aware of the electric version with recoil , but I have an uncontrollable desire to find & get a gbb version if possible

I love playing with my Umarex version, just want MORE!!!!!!!!!


VFC make/made one, it was absolute SHIT




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  • 5 months later...
Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

Apologies for necroing this thread,but shortly before Lockdown 3.0 I actually had a play with VFC's newest UMP - quite nice!


Really mushy trigger, but performance was spot on and it worked really well as a gun for CQB. Might be worth taking a look 👍

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