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Tappet Plate Replacement


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Used my CA M15A2 Armalite rifle today and after the first game it stopped firing any BBs. Got it home and disassembled it and it looks like the tappet plate has snapped. I've been looking online but can't seem to find a tappet plate that matches the shape (mainly the rear bit) that's sold in the UK. On mine, it's just an oval but most of the CA one's I'm seeing have a more angular shape to them. Will any tappet plate work or is this rifle so old now (think I got it in 2014) that they just don't make the parts for it?


The only place I could find it was a US site https://www.airsoftgi.com/product/Classic-Army-OEM-Replacement-V-2-Tappet-Plate-36390/ and that looks to be the right shape from what I can tell.


Edit: Would this one work? https://www.combatsouth.co.uk/collections/tappet-plates/products/asg-ultimate-v2-tappet-plate



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