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Ye/Escort Mp5 GBB

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Hi all, I've been going through my loft/attic and I've come across my old YE/Escort MP5 (some of you on here may now of this gun), which I thought I didnt have anymore. Basically I dont have what I now know to be an SLP regulator (had to have a low pressure gauge fitted to a stabilizer etc etc and cant find it). The gun operated at no more than 150PSI and I want to get it going again. I've already got standard hpa tanks  for my tippman m4 but only at 3500psi so need to step it down to safe pressure. Any help with regulator and slp lines and connectors would be super appreciated.


Many thanks in advance,



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The Balystik regulator is a good all rounder and can operate as low as 55 psi so no problems keeping within 150!


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On 02/06/2020 at 20:50, sjhirst said:


The Balystik regulator is a good all rounder and can operate as low as 55 psi so no problems keeping within 150!


brilliant thanks for the reply, Do I need an slp tank to go with that or can I just use my regular paintball tank.





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