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New Game System Coming September, Hopefully!

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I ran for the last 3 years a non profit making post apocalyptic LARP/AIRSOFT game based in Portsmouth, you can still find it on Facebook. Revenant Evil: The Aftermath. It has now run its course and i am currently writing up the next new system to hopefully run the first event down at Ambush near Southampton, the second weekend in September consisting of 2 one day events. The background behind the new system will be familiar to anyone who is watching the outlander series, modern day person sent back in time to the 1750s, Redcoats , Scots the new fathers in the USA, the boston tea party sort of thing. For those not familiar with LARP (Live action role playing) there are in effect 2 groups, the players and the crew. The players are not skirmish characters, you pick a class to play with a certain skill set, and by completing missions etc you gain skills and increase your chance of survival. The crew provide the combat opposition and the people you interact with. It may be conversation or combat. If its combat it will be using LARP safe melee weapons, and airsoft weapons. Obviously in this period it would be muskets, flintlocks, blunderbuss and canon, we have already worked out how to allow people to use their modern weapons as flintlocks, unloading, delayed use etc. as in normal airsoft if you are wounded there is a bleed out time, and healers to provide help if they get there in time, as well as a host of other classes.

I am just throwing this out there in case anyone has any questions or wants more information. I am under no illusion this will not float everyone's boat, as it is not just a run around shoot, die and do it again game. It is more milsim where actions have consequences, where a discussion and some clever thinking can win the day.

As i say anyone interested for more info just drop me a line, the rules will be ready hopefully next week and the website shortly after.

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Many thanks , I will post again when rulebook is complete and anyone interested can request a copy 

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