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Ukara and Age

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Apologies if this has already been answered on the forum;

obviously I know you have to be 18 or older to become UKARA registered but is there anything stopping me from starting the process before my 18th birthday. ie. completing the mandatory 3 games over at least 2 months at the same site before turning 18. Or do the mandatory 3 games have to be completed once 18 as well. 

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10 minutes ago, Shobbs17 said:

Apologies if this has already been answered on the forum;

obviously I know you have to be 18 or older to become UKARA registered but is there anything stopping me from starting the process before my 18th birthday. ie. completing the mandatory 3 games over at least 2 months at the same site before turning 18. Or do the mandatory 3 games have to be completed once 18 as well. 

You only have to be aged 18 to purchase and to be UKARA registered, so it is possible to start with your local site before you are 18

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I would think it is possible to start the process, if your site is willing.  However, I would think that the qualifying third game must be once you are 18.

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