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Two Tone Listings

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I've started to notice a few used two tone replicas appear on the classifieds here and other sites listed as two tones but if I understand the vcra correctly the weapon needs to be 51% of a bright colour and these are clearly not. As seen below 


If this was purchased from a reputable company when new I would question should we name and shame the companies or at least inform ukara as the ukara is set up to protect the seller, surely we need to protect airsoft and the reputation of the sport. 


Just to note this is not a dig or gripe against the poster of the attached add. 



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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
1 hour ago, mogaly674 said:



I've started to notice a few used two tone replicas appear on the classifieds here and other sites listed as two tones but if I understand the vcra correctly the weapon needs to be 51% of a bright colour and these are clearly not. As seen below 


If this was purchased from a reputable company when new I would question should we name and shame the companies or at least inform ukara as the ukara is set up to protect the seller, surely we need to protect airsoft and the reputation of the sport. 


Just to note this is not a dig or gripe against the poster of the attached add. 




As I understand it (I also checked the part of the VCRA 2006 relevant to imitation firearms, here) "two-tone" is a colloquialism, there is a regulation in the legislation which covers 50% of an imitation firearm being a bright colour, but not "tone" - nor do I think there's a specific part of the legislation which would mean this chap is committing an offense by calling it two-tone - *unless* they do so while not also checking for a defense.


"Just my two cents"


E: I think some shops have some responsibility to bear for stuff like this too, as I've seen places offer a two-tone service, or sell a two-tone weapon, which obviously is under 50% in bright-colour coverage.

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When second hand there could have been parts changed replacing some of the bright elements with black etc which would reduce the amount of bright coverage.

However I have often seen new sales that don’t fully comply with the VCRA IF requirement of more than 50% of one of the specified bright colours.

(Even where it is coloured but not ‘bright’)


The offence under the VCRA lies with the seller if they sell a RIF to a buyer without a valid defence.

Though a second hand gun may not be fully VCRA IF compliant it can still be sold - the buyer ought to ensure they are confident that the buyers intent is valid under the VCRA



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