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Classic Army Lwrc M6, What Upgrades Can I do?

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So i found this under my bed recently and decided to upgrade a few external parts, but now id like to tackle the internals, from what i remember i bought this around 7/8 years ago, and it remains stock.

What would be the main upgrades i'd need to do to the internals to get a more consistent and overall better shooting gun.

it is also shooting around 320fps and i ideally want it at around 350fps 

and lastly would it be safe to use an 11.1v Li-po?


sorry for all the questions, just want to get it ready for when this is all over 

thanks for any help :) 

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in terms of fps/consistency wise i'd start off looking at the air seal. it may well be that the spring is capable of pushing your target but lost air is dropping it down. if the air seal is good then a slightly stronger spring will bring the fps up.


in terms of taking an 11.1v well the answer is yes/no/maybe. what will definitely be an issue (albeit in the long term) is burning out the trigger contacts with arcing, a simple mosfet will cure that issue. the other is if it's being driven too fast, hard to tell without knowing what kind of speed the gun is doing stock although if it's not a high speed setup or downgraded from a much higher fps (eg e&l's downgraded to 1j can have this issue as they're designed to be fast on a much stronger spring).


have a look here for air seal:


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