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Receiving Black RIF Non UKARA?

Martin ktm640
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Hello Everyone! Just purchased few things from known online BB gun shop. As new to airsoft I understand that you can only buy 2 ton due to non UKRAR. So I open the box and there she is all in black. Can someone tell me if it’s ok to have a RIF without UKARA. Or this should never happen and it’s a shop fault for sending me the wrong colour as I stated two tone please. Don’t know what to do or is it level. Thanks for your help

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3 minutes ago, Martin ktm640 said:

Hello Everyone! Just purchased few things from known online BB gun shop. As new to airsoft I understand that you can only buy 2 ton due to non UKRAR. So I open the box and there she is all in black. Can someone tell me if it’s ok to have a RIF without UKARA. Or this should never happen and it’s a shop fault for sending me the wrong colour as I stated two tone please. Don’t know what to do or is it level. Thanks for your help

It’s their problem not yours


In selling a RIF to you without establishing your defence they risked a £1000-£2000 fine


But now that you possess it then there’s no issue

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