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hello all


just a quick hello, and intro.


being older than i wish, i first tried paintball in the very early days.

since then, i dabbled now and again.


have always enjoyed shooting, and i like the realistic look of airsoft weapons.


so here i am, having just bought a two tone SR36 for indoors target shooting in my garage.

slowly blowing a few quid on the extras, but whats money for when you are in lockdown? ;-)


looking forward to the day when i can walk onto a local airsoft site.


stay safe all... see you on the other side



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@VZ8002k πŸ‘‹

Likewise stay safe.... hopefully soon! πŸ€žπŸ”«

When you get your gear sorted, put up a few pics! πŸ‘


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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