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TM stock 5.1 Hi Capa "stainless"

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I hear the finish on the frame flakes off very easily. Is this true? Or is it just a problem when using a holster?


If so what can be done about it? I dont skirmish so dont use a holster.



I want to put a silver custom metal slide on a tm hi capa and the stainless would seem the obvious choice of donor gun.


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It won't flake off but yes plastic holsters will cause the finish to wear. if its a display piece no problem. if you want to use it you could clear coat it.

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29 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:

Tnanks Stew.


Partly display but I will use it on paper targets quite a bit.


Is it much more easily damaged than the black finish?

the black slides don't have a finish it's just plastic so the don't wear the same

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