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System: as New'

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  • Root Admin

Important stuff in bold.


This is in immediate effect.


In order to discourage retailers selling on the forums under the guise of private individuals, and to further discourage legitimate airsofters from incorrectly labelling their 'used' gear as 'new' (and therefore misleading those browsing the classifieds), a tiny change will be made to those wishing to advertised their used goods on the forums. Listings will now show 'As new' instead of 'New' - there will be no option to list items in a 'New' condition. For the vast majority of classified airsoft sales, the 'New' tag simple doesn't apply. The only listings that even come close to being deemed 'New' are boxed goods that have truly never been used or clothing with tags - these items are few and far between, and the use of the 'New' condition tag was being abused (either maliciously or by accident).


Additionally, as mentioned, we have caught various retailers trying to sell their goods on these forums - this is absolutely against our rules and we hope that the 'As new' tag will make it clear to buyers that should a seller be a private individual there is no true way to tell if an item is actually brand new or not. We are hoping this will make retailers think twice about selling on AF-UK. If you are a skirmish site or retailer who has a large amount of second hand stock or is clearing out odds and ends, please contact a moderator first and see if it is appropriate to list your items here. We do make some exceptions to the rule of no commercial entities selling on this site, but this is typically for skirmish sites only and is very tightly controlled. The classifieds section on AF-UK is a service to its members and posters, and is not a revenue stream for retailers. You will be banned, and your IP will be blacklisted if you are caught abusing this section of AF-UK.


If you have any questions or critiques, please reply to this topic. Thanks.

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