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Hi all, tried airsoft a good few years ago and loved it but life got in the way to continue, i have just recently got back into it and heading for my Ukara, im getting a list of things together for when i finally get my licence and i've narrowed gun choice down to 2. Im torn between getting a Krytac Trident mkII crb M or do i pay a bit extra and get a PTS Centurion CM4 ERG.

Cheers Chris

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Hi and welcome


Please don't call it a licence it will just trigger people.  Its proof of a defence to allow you to purchase RIFs, nothing else.  

Re the gun question, I own an CM4 ERG and its lovely, I just don't use it much as I have moved over to Gas Rifles.  Only thing needs doing to it is replacement hop rubber.  Cheaper than a TM Recoil, better constructed, more recoil, shoots just as far, non proprietary mags.  Solid choice

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Hi EvilMonkee and thanks for the reply


Just Defence it is thenπŸ‘


I was thinking the Krytac at first with reading how good the gun is out of the box, i'm now leaning way more to the Centurion with it being not that much more expensive and having the cool extra features like the mag stop and recoil, will look into how to change the hop up too.


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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  On 18/01/2020 at 08:50, CBT said:

Hi EvilMonkee and thanks for the reply


Just Defence it is thenπŸ‘


I was thinking the Krytac at first with reading how good the gun is out of the box, i'm now leaning way more to the Centurion with it being not that much more expensive and having the cool extra features like the mag stop and recoil, will look into how to change the hop up too.




Its dead easy - just remove the front capture pins, slide the upper off the lower and the barrel just slides out.  KWA Recoils are a little picky over which hop rubber to use and the recommendations are either a Guarder Clear, Prometheus Purple or G&G Green.  The latter 2 may need trimming down at the rear to fit.  Just take it slowly and use loads of lube (oh er).  

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