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UCAP Greenops

Sir Chops
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Hey guys, can anyone give me any thoughts about UCAP Green Ops? My mate and I are looking to play and our usual site doesn't have a game day when we are both free for a little while. Looking at UCAP Greenops but as he has a full length PKM he's worried if it might be a bit much for a CQB site (especially as he only has "safe" or "multi pewpew" - no semi for him!) and as I have a Tan+Nero Raider their site specifies no two tone or transparent, but as mine is a VCRA applicable RIF I'm assuming they mean more along the lines of the neon green/blue type?


Any regular players here that think we may have any issues if we turn up?

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Have a look in the "Skirmish Sites, Stories & Review" section.  


The search tool has a 3 character minimum length, type in a word and read through the results. For example "UCAP"


Yes, two-tone means VCRA colours. 

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