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Small guage on tank

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There was the Rufus Dawg selection of tank protectors, but I have not seen their regulator cover for nearly a decade





I recommend fitting a rubber fill nipple cover, and a cylinder thread protector when transporting & storing 


I think that I have only needed to change one of my gauges once in 15 years 

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1 hour ago, jay1988 said:

Thanks for that IV got the fill nipple cover gonna get a thread protector

You inspired me to have a look around.


The Rufus Dawg set is available still in the US:






Not necessarily worth the international postage, but if you add something else (and avoid too much to incur import charges!)


But on practicality - yes, just add a thread protector


You also inspired me to get around to looking around the US sites, and I found the right tools & rebuild kit for an old pistol.  When they arrive that will be a winter project and I’ll get another one of my vintages our to play

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