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Adapter query

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Hi all, just a quick on!
I've got a G36 and have just purchased a Nuprol Bocca tracer unit, but the threads are working in opposite ways, I just want to make sure that I'm buying the right stuff. Which of these would work?


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This tracer?  https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-bocca-tracer-unit  OK, that's CCW as nearly everything is.


Oh, right, this S&T?  https://airsoftpro.cz/en/airsoft-guns/electric-long-aeg/m4m16/airsoftova-zbran-g316kv-ebb-cerna-detail


That says it's got a CW thread.  Unusual, but if you're sure that they're not matching up (normally both toys and accessories are CCW, so it's left-tighty, righty-loosey) then you will need an adaptor.


If that's the case then you want the 2nd adaptor, the +14mm CW to -14mm CCW.


If that's the case.

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I've been wracking my brain over this for ages and I couldn't make sense of it myself, so I'm really glad that you've chimed in!
They're both the correct products that you've linked above, and the threads definitely don't match up. 
I just can't believe that a simple adapter costs nearly a tenner!
Thanks so much for the response, it's a massive help!

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I'd want a 2nd opinion too, it's very unusual to see CW threads on a barrel.  But it does say so, and they don't match up, so I guess you're going to have to ...



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