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Co2 converted to hpa hicap

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Hello chap, I have a 48ci 3000psi with balystik hpr800c and I’ve made 2 hicaps from old co2 mags (currently sorting  output valves due to the leak issue) but my we pdw open bolt either twitch’s 2-3mm or vents, tried then on my closed bolt actually worked this time as previously didn’t but Nicely at 110-130 psi ( I know the about the feed lips ) then after more fiddling with a mag  (the tester was my 1st mag to butcher not part of nice 2 mags) the scar kicked in to life at 130-150psi but tried on pdw same as before nothing, the butcher mag I have made even a bigger port opening internally including the cylinder (having loads of co2 parts always helpful)

many ideas on why the pdw doesn’t like it as the actual nozzles the same as scar, other than tapping and making out of green gas mags any ideas to lower psi 

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Sounds like the problem is the valves in the mags? If they're setup for co2 that's meant to be 800 odd psi.


Do you have any green gas mags you could try? They should be setup a bit closer to the pressures your running

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