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SRS Covert FPS Help

Frank Castle
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Hi all, i need some help. Just put together my SRS gen 3 covert today and installed the silverback M150 spring, im getting just 380 fps on .2's. I thought this would be a lot higher as its only now about 50 fps up on the spring that comes with the gun.

I have added hop but still i get around 380.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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Hi all, i need some help. Just put together my SRS gen 3 covert today and installed the silverback M150 spring, im getting just 380 fps on .2's. I thought this would be a lot higher as its only now about 50 fps up on the spring that comes with the gun.

I have added hop but still i get around 380.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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@Frank Castle Please (re)read forum rules, no duplicate topics. Posts merged.

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