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DHL/UKMail - Bunch of useless *&^£%£$%

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5 hours ago, Smooth_Operator said:


I agree with that - but it has a lot to do with their own Customer Services department (who requested it), as it's one of their methods of tracking lost items. 


The seller has been good as gold and is sending my replacement AEG out today. 

That would make it an internal matter ... If I was the manager of customer services I wouldn’t be too keen on being too open about progress on checking CCTV.

There may be bad and good reasons for ‘reluctance’ to check the CCTV, for example were they asking the depot manager to check x hours worth of CCTV for a rectangular card board box?  Or the manager is getting a cut of stolen goods. 

Is there a customer services lost goods process recorded for their CCTV ... or is it in their security system.  

The parcel tags are part of goods tracking  

DHL will know if there is some form of pattern of lost parcels such as dodgy staff

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