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Travailfitness plates

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I don't have stats on the number of people discharged from the forces for dodgy knees on account of carrying heavy shit about/jumping off things repeatedly (while sometimes also carrying weight) but it is factually: a lot.  I had a scan on my right knee 2 days ago, tendon damage above the kneecap caused ~3 years ago by carrying heavy shit (not in a 'cool' infantry way, just humping and dumping behind the wire) and jumping out of cabs on to concrete many many times a day in the sandbox (sometimes with armfuls of belted 762 etc).  Big no thanks on putting weight inside my vest that does nothing for me in bbwar.  Spend your money how you like, but I've spent a lot of time seeing physios and they all say repeatedly how a small weight gain puts a largely increased strain on your joints and your knees don't know a difference between 3kg of plates in your PC and 3kg of mass added to your torso.

Some people get away with it of course, also if you make the right muscles really strong and resilient you can avoid the issues, to my mind it's a dice roll with a bad potential negative for no significant gain.

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