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TM SCAR-L CQC locking up in semi Auto

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Just bought a new TM SCAR-L CQC when using for the first time after about 1 1/2hours use started to get occasional firing locking up while in Semi auto, it would clear if I switched to auto and fired a few bursts. I'm running on Nuprol 1100mAh 20c 7.4v batteries. I have had a look around and seen some discussion on this type of battery  may make the rifle prone to gears locking up. I'm look for some advice  on if this could be the case and need to change batteries. 

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I use the 1200 Mah Kong Power 7.4V lipos from Fire Support, they fit perfectly and I have never had this issue.


From what I remember, the reason it does this is you haven’t pulled the trigger fully. You really have to make sure each trigger pull is crisp and not rushed. 



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That's a good point It could of been rushed trigger pulls, it was just a bit strange as I have never had the issue when using my other rifle. Does it make any real difference on the battery you use, maybe just operator error? 

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