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Any inner barrel OD over 9mm? Hop up search

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Hi guys, first time poster here.


Working on a project and looking for either a hop up to suit a 9-9.5mm OD barrel or any info around this size range would be really helpful. I may be dreaming, so far the only thing close is the VSR10 range but im more looking for a T-piece style hop up if possible. If I can find something close to this I should be able to modify to suit.


Im struggling to find answers online so any info is quite welcome!!



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Most inner barrels are in the 8.3-8.5mm OD range so I'm curious as to what you're trying to do?

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Its a gel blaster project, 7-8mm gels and 9.5mm OD barrel. I appreciate your input, it's inline with my findings so far. And before anyone chimes in about gel blasters, im in Australia and im just working with what I've got. 


Just trying to replicate some of the airsoft success as opposed to the end of barrel hop ups currently in play. Another option is to tey the 6mm gel balls with a 6mm airsoft setup, though im told this has been unsuccessful in other attempts. 






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Is there any way to mount an end of barrel hop to the start of the barrel?


Have you got any pics of the bits involved? I've not seen the gel blaster hops.

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