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Phoenix Adventures (Urban)

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Ok so here is my site review of Phoenix Urban...


As we drove into the site we were greeted at the gate and asked for our booking forms, insurance waiver, etc and we were given directions to the car park we followed the road down and immediately the reaction inside the car was 'we can't be playing in there surely?' as we saw the broken down and dilapidated buildings on our right hand side, turns out we would be playing 'in there', but as we know looks can be deceiving...

...we got to the car park and got our gear out of the cars. We dumped our stuff in the safe zone and had a quick look around all in all the site looked ok but was a bit untidy, to put it bluntly.

Right then on to the games, the first was a collect the intel game which involved us splitting into two teams one setting off after the other, the objective, as the name states, was to get the intel as hold it a secure point of your choice. The intel was periodically dropped of by ‘plane’ (a white transit van), by the time an hour or so had past my team had all of the intel tubes, and the game started to drag on a bit after another hour and a half we were told ‘endex’, so we trudged back to the safe zone to have some lunch...

...after lunch we went back out in the same two teams and did a kind of sabotage mission, which didn’t really work because the other team was high fiving medics not counting to 20 so most of our team walked out of the game and back to the safe zone.



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Yeh to be honest I don't think there is really that much point in finishing the review because it isn't worth the effort to tell you how bad it was



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Topic closed due to this bottom line:



Phoenix Urban is bad - Do not go!


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but Phoenix does have some good spots and doesn't deserve to be put down like that. I agree some places are very untidy but I personally prefer an urban environment to the woodland hence why I would prefer to visit Phoenix over Grange Farm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

played at phoenix site woodlands and urban the games were exellent and the marshall fair and on top of there game every time i ve played at phoenix the games have been differnet but never dull or crap the player are for the most part very good and to be honest i have not seen any cheats when it comes to the medic rule at all i ve played at about 7 or 8 different sites now and always go back to phoenix because the games are good marshal are fair and alot less cheats than i have seen on other sites


every noiw and then phoenix games can get a little strung out depending on whos there and the number of players there cqb site is ace love cqb


so to say phoenix is crap and dont go thats only ur opion and some times its easy to have a bad day some where but u can say that about any where if u only play there once

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I've been twice and the first time I didn't enjoy due to a gear issue so I was willing to give it a second chance and when I went again it was better and the games were slightly improved.. Thing is: the only good bit was a human shield rush which was hilarious..


Other than that me and my bro didn't really enjoy it and have both decided that Urban Assault is the best East Midlands airsofting experience..

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I personally prefer an urban environment to the woodland hence why I would prefer to visit Phoenix over Grange Farm.


But now you would prefer to go Urban Assault (If you go that is!)



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