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Crossman stinger p311 question about BB's to use

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Hi, my name is Fernando, i'm new in this forum and in airsoft world, 


I just bought one Crossman Stinger P311, this gun shots by default (this says in the box) 6mm bb's plastic 0.12g with 325 fps MAX (i don´t know if is true but the box say that)



My question is: Someone of you test this gun with 0.20g 6mm plastic BB's???? if someone did this ¿what was the result?

I think this gun can shoot that bb's (0.20g) , maybe with less FPS


If they can help me, i bought this gun to start in airsoft, now i'm starting using only for target shooting 


Thanks in advance 

Kind regards! 

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You can use .2g BBs, the FPS will drop yes.


However, that is a very cheap Spring pistol and will not be effective for Airsoft. It will give you a great disadvantage.

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