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HighLander Custom

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I am glad to present you our developments, which we have been conducting for the second year.

Our workshop specializes in creating unique costumes and creating HPA kits without hoses. fully Autonomous.



First and foremost is the low pressure regulator mount body and input of air into the gearbox - in the form factor of the pipe butt.

This product is already a year and a half and during this time it has shown itself to be an excellent side.  

Pressure adjustment: 60-180 PSI,

Air input: standard paintball high pressure regulator.

outside diameter 30mm,

length 70mm,

for single and automatic fire








high pressure tanks.

Diameter 30 mm,

working pressure 300 bar,

the output pressure of 800 psi

check in the production of 450 bag,

the volume of 50 cm3 / ml.


 the standard paintball high pressure regulator,

PCP version with a filling unit Hatsan, option for bolt rifles.






Fully mechanical semi-kits for 2, 3, and 2.5 gearbox.



HPA Kits for spring rifles. (HPA Kit +  low pressure regulator + tank)

Model: CYMA M24, CYMA/Marui VSR-10, SW m24, Ares striker.

 no hoses. Stock shots from 150 to 250 shots depending on the settings and Assembly.




As an example, one of our custom: L129a1 with fully milled forearm, markings, integrated tank and regulator.

Inside our mechanical semiautomatic kit (HPA kit for 2.5 gearbox), a regulator LP with fastening to the gearbox and body, tank. 
BB 0.45 grams of BLS, pressure 85 PSI - velocity 107 m/s or 2.57 joules.
Flies aiming at 90-95 meters. Objectively - flies more stable and further than at speeds of 130 m / s with a heavy ball (the ball twists up more qualitatively).



Отстрел в хрон.JPG


Комплект приклад-резервуар - копия.jpg

If you have any questions - happy to answer.

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How many rounds can you get out of one of the buffer tubes style tanks? 

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