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High speed mags

Adolf Hamster
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So short version is i'm mid way through a custom hpa conversion on my mg42, basically we have a valve and a pipe going into the back of the hop just spraying air at any bb's that get in its way.


Thing is, managed to burn out the original magazine system as the rigors of being squashed between a 11.1v lipo and the backpressure from the barrel killed the motor.


So i'm after a new mechanism, something fast, something positive (ie not a spring) and most importantly something that'll fit inside a gurttrommel.


Any thoughts on good magazine systems? It'll be getting fed straight 11.1v lipo whenever the trigger is pressed via a connection so no need for any sound sensing functionality. It will need to be gutsy enough to fight the backpressure however there's no worries about rate of fire as the limit will be as fast as the mag can feed (which i want to be ludicrous)

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