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WE PX4 original version with full trades

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Make/brand: WE PX4

Any accessories included: Four mags, two WE, two TM


I’m thinking about getting rid of this pistol, but was wondering if there is any mileage in the fact that it’s the fully trademarked, rotating barrel bersion from WE that’s no longer available?


It’s in excellent condition and fires perfectly. The rotating barrel has been treated with Aluminium Black so it now looks like it’s gun metal steel, unmarked frame and slide.


Cheers in advance













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I was looking at it and thought, no idea. I wouldn’t even consider buying one, it’s just looks.., so.. small. Think my hands would probably get in the way of the barrel!


I think your £100 is about right, never been too good at rarity values as it is all down to if someone is looking for one. 


You could sell for £90 tomorrow, and 6 months down the line sell it for £150 because someone is after that exact model with everything included.

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