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Free worldwide delivery???

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Anybody used or tried to use these https://www.eagleairsoftnhobby.com/products/coyote-airsoft-combo-g2-chris-vector-kv-aeg-smg-125rds-long-magazinebkg2mag01

They boast free worldwide delivery,it's the only place my mate can get these mags.

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never heard of the shop or that brand. if the shipping is free the shipping will be slow. there are krytac brand 95 round mag available in the uk here https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/krytac-kriss-vector-magazines-95rds-3-pack/ and here https://www.surplusstore.co.uk/krytac-kriss-vector-magazine-pack.html


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1 hour ago, snuff said:

Anybody used or tried to use these https://www.eagleairsoftnhobby.com/products/coyote-airsoft-combo-g2-chris-vector-kv-aeg-smg-125rds-long-magazinebkg2mag01

They boast free worldwide delivery,it's the only place my mate can get these mags.


So your budy has an ARES Vector?


Must have, otherwise why would you be looking at Coyote Vector mags?


As far as I know,  Eagleairsoft are decent and reliable


Also, try the auction part of kaiguys.com

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11 hours ago, rocketdogbert said:


So your budy has an ARES Vector?


Must have, otherwise why would you be looking at Coyote Vector mags?


As far as I know,  Eagleairsoft are decent and reliable


Also, try the auction part of kaiguys.com

Yes he has said offensive item,he's ordered them now but thanks anyway.

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