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ASG M40A3 Rail Help?

Guest Inked Airsofter
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Guest Inked Airsofter

Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a good week! I got this today, and I couldn't be more happy with it, the paint job from Patrol Base is great, all it needs now is it's upgrades and a scope, however the scope rings won't fit the rail of the rifle, the rail is 1" wide and the scope mounts are just below 1" is it due to the style of the rail? Or do I need larger mounts? Hope someone has some ideas for my noob ass 😂😂 PS let me know what you think of my patches 😉






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It looks like those are 11mm dovetail mounts.  That size is commonly used on sporting air rifles as opposed to the ~21mm Weaver / Picatinny rails on our fake-real guns, and if you get ring mounts supplied with a scope, they're as likely to be 11mm as 21mm.


You'll want to buy some Weaver / Picatinny mounts.  I say "Weaver / Picatinny" because you'll find the same generic mounts listed as either or both of those, and ~21mm as they're often listed as 20mm even though the actual width is closer to 21.2mm.  So it's worth searching for various combinations of 20mm, 21mm, Weaver and Picatinny scope mounts if you want the widest selection from which to chisel every penny.

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