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Tanaka Kar 98

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IMG_3056.thumb.JPG.751b02c8ba5a5a7d8f485f1b61ecfc96.JPGMake/brand: Tanaka Kar 98


Hello all,


I'm deeply saddened to part from her, but looking to sell my Kar 98 . She is still in excellent condition given her age and firing 475 fps. Solid wood and metal.

Any ideas what I would get for her now?


Thanks all



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It depends on a number of factors:

  • How much wear and tear on all metal parts, particularly the moving parts as well as the condition of certain internal parts e.g hop rubber. 
  • How many mags you have. 
  • Any internal upgrades e.g r-hop barrel, upgrade hop unit.
  • Accessories I see you have the ZF41 is it Tanaka owned manufacture scope that always a major plus.

Here is one that is BNZ version and has a number of magazines  https://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=188&t=20769&p=275492&hilit=kar98k#p275492  Unfortunately it does not appear to have been sold yet. Another point it a rather niche market weapon but they are quite a rare/extremely rare weapon, I would personly put it between  £500-750 depending on the above point I mentioned.  To be honest the best thing you could do is put up advert up and see how it goes quite possibly people may try to haggle the price. 

You could also try the ww2 reenacting forums/groups there may be some interest their ( but then you may have to consider the price difference between deactivated and blank firing Kar98k market).

1 hour ago, Jacobus said:

 Tanaka Kar 98

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I am afraid the biggest factor you will have re value of these is not the rifle itself but the PPS K98K.  Copy of the same rifle, taking the same mags that has an internal in built NPAS and is literally a third of the price.  Anyone who wanted a K98K would have bought one of these already (know I did).  The other alternative in the G&G is also less expensive.  I am afraid I dont think it will be a quick sell at this price point.

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