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Overall its  OK  but my one I had for a while never seem to work reliably ( sometimes it would fire and then stop working then leave it for a while and then it would work again) and I find G&G have a tendency to over complicate and overengineer things and add  bells and whistles like the mag empty detect system and proprietary battery just to name a few of its features,   that for me personally, it gives a number of possibilities for things to go/did wrong. 


If I could suggest the LCT VSS Vintorez as an alternative it is by no means perfect but it is one of the best VSS out there currently on the market, there is also the one made by Npo VSS if you have deep pockets and you have a particular desire for your Russian weapons to be made in the Motherland.   


There is also the King arms version but never used one.

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