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Help finding equipment from Far Cry 5

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Hello guys! Hope everyone is well, this may be a bit of a weird one as I haven't seen a game related or cosplay related topic on here yet, however I thought I'd give it a go, a friend of mine is working on a cosplay for a character from the game Far Cry 5. however is stuck on finding a related looking tactical vest/body armor for it, the pictures below are not great but the plate insert is on the front and it also provides the use of molle pouches, and it has buckles on the shoulders. This is the best I can do t my knowledge hope someone could help I figured it is worth a shot thanks guys again hope everyone is well 👍

Vest 1.png

Vest 2.jpg

Vest 3.jpg

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Maybe something like a Condor Operator would suit their needs? 



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