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what aeg to buy

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Bit new to airsoft got a couple of pistols and snipers and been about 5 times now but not got an aeg, ideally looking at about £150-£200 (not including battery, mags etc) was wondering on people opinions, been looking at nuprol defenders and g and g, also looked at a valken which looked alright for the money but after alittle pointers from people who may have them already





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Kind of a worn out topic. Have a search around.


The G&G CM16 was my first gun. Still performs well today. I've heard good things about Nurprol but haven't owned any of their products to say for certain. 




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Cheers I did have a good look around seen that it's not a new questio, gonna have alook at the g and g next time I'm in the shop

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