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Anyone use Warrior pathfinder with RPC plate carrier

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I’ve currently got a warrior RPC and thinking about getting the pathfinder chest rig to use with it, and also have the option to use the chest rig on its own. Anyone use this set up?

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I bought the RPC and pathfinder combo a few months ago.  Haven't needed to buy any extra pouches yet.


I typically play CQB and wear the plate in the morning until I get toasty, then switch to just the chest rig.

It's really nice having the option to unclip the front pouches and switch to a lighter setup.





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33 minutes ago, lukeB said:

I bought the RPC and pathfinder combo a few months ago.  Haven't needed to buy any extra pouches yet.


I typically play CQB and wear the plate in the morning until I get toasty, then switch to just the chest rig.

It's really nice having the option to unclip the front pouches and switch to a lighter setup.


I currently use 3 covered m4 mag pouches for out door skirmishes, was thinking of the pathfinder for indoor cqb with my RPC and can use it as just a chestrig on hot days. 

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