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Wolverine reaper premium. What to do with it??

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I bought a wolverine raptor premium drop in kit brand new for well not a lot to be honest. I know they are ideal for a dmr build but equally at home in a standard configeration. And being the reaper  premium it can change between the 2 roles /fire modes and power. I just  cant descide what to do with it . I have a lova i could put it in but it seems a bit of a waste as it runs great anyway and lets face it its a quite high value gun to be doing it with for verry little added value considering im not sure the lvoa would be much good as a dmr. So Thinking of selling the lvoa to fund a build. Question is would i be better buying somthing like a second had tm m14 or fairly long barreled rif in good working order or buying somthing boneyard and doing a build eg decent barrel  hop ect... i have a budget of arround 250 at very most but ideally would like to keep below 200 . Not bothered too much on looks ( as long as it look cool lol) It can be a frankengun for all i care. Im more bothered about how it performes. If you had the hpa unit and this budget what would you do with it?

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