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Has anyone had any experience with these guys? Ordered a genuine British army UBAC and the one that turned up had no NATO label and was missing the velcro patch covers. Contacted them about the problem and was asked to send over pictures, it seemed I'd been sent a copy instead by accident?


He suggested he could send over the covers in the post with a 20% discount, or arrange to swap for the genuine article. I asked for the genuine article as that's what I really wanted. The velcro covers turned up yesterday and I've been trying to contact him about the swap but heard nothing since!!

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Had the same sort of issue, but it got sorted in the end. 


I was sent a return label, sent it back and sent a chasing email. The replacement turned up before their reply, but I got the orginal item in the end. 


To be fair the original one sent was new, while I had ordered used Army Surplus, so was actually worth more.

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