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Any idea of value, WE M4 GBB

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I’ve just bought a Tippmann, so the WE has to go.


its set up for CQB, 10” keymod, Angry gun adjustable nozzle, custom super short outer barrel approx 4” with 8.5” suppressor, Magpul clone flip-up sights, front grip with built in red dot laser, Matrix tight bore, Angry gun hop unit, one gas tight mag  and could come with brand new RA Tech forged receivers.


I genuinely have no,idea what market value is, not trying to get maximum money, just a rough idea.


Rail, suppressor, sights, hop unit, front grip brand new, WE receivers a bit scruffy as is mag, stock is good and it’s black. Don’t know fps yet and won’t be able to take pics for a couple of days, sorry.


Any help much appreciated 



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